Main Benefits of Installing Artificial Turf VS Sod
What are the main benefits of installing artificial turf vs sod? We will start by saying, everyone we talk to wants a beautiful yard that family, friends and pets can enjoy year round. Landscaping offers tons of value not to mention curb appeal. With the right team, an ordinary yard can be transformed into a professionally landscaped masterpiece.
Here at Havasu Turf Pros we offer the lowest wholesale prices on artificial turf and turf supplies in the Tri-State area. From premium sporting and putting green turf to pet friendly turf products, turf installation supplies and rental tools, our customers will tell you there is no better company than HTP to work with.
Price of Installing Artificial Turf VS Natural Sod
When it comes to the benefits of installing artificial turf vs sod, the 1st thing to consider is price. The price of artificial turf vs sod is much higher upfront per square foot installed. Artificial turf prices start at .99 per Sq ft and go up from there depending on the type of turf you purchase. Sod on the other hand is much more affordable upfront with cost starting around .15 to .60 per sq ft.
If considering price when making your decision, sod may seem like a better value for your buck however it’s only less out of pocket up front. Over time, the cost of sod will prove to be much more expensive so be sure to consider that carefully.
Maintenance and Upkeep Costs
The 2nd thing you should consider is maintenance and the cost required for upkeep. After

Pallet of Sod
considering daily watering and weekly mowing costs, sod doesn’t really hold up as a cost saving purchase when compared to artificial turf because the cost of maintaining artificial turf is basically zero.
Once your artificial turf is installed, you will not only enjoy a beautiful green yard for years to come, your pets, children and guests will love it too.
Health And Safety
The 3rd thing to consider is health and safety. Is artificial turf safe for pets and kids? Absolutely, Yes! Not only is it manufactured to be safe, you’ll never have to worry about your children or pets health while playing in your yard since there are zero harsh chemical fertilizers, pest and/or weed sprays used on it. Because of it’s synthetic composition, turf products do not accommodate fleas and pests. Without an organic food source, typical yard bugs cannot survive in synthetic turf.

Havasu Pro 3 Artificial Turf
Which Product Lasts Longer?
One final thing to consider when purchasing either artificial turf or natural sod is which one will last longer in your area. For hot, arid climates like our Arizona turf customers experience on a regular basis, artificial turf will out last natural sod every time. In addition, artificial turf comes with an excellent warranty compared to sod.
If you’ve ever had sod installed before, you know that without proper care and regular maintenance, sod does not hold up well to harsh desert sun, wind and heat. It will burn and die without proper care. Because of this, sod companies and sod installers alike do not tend to offer any warranty on new sod installation.
When the time comes to choose between installing artificial turf or natural sod on your property, the benefits of turf are clear. Artificial turf products offer much more bang for your buck. And while the upfront costs are higher per sq ft, your installed turf product is going to outlast and look amazing for many more years and for much less cost overall, compared to sod.
I love how you noted that sod can make maintenance as easy as possible, especially for a large property. My wife wants to try and do something about how barren our property feels at this point, so I do wonder if we should get some help from someone who provides sod. To make that easier to manage, I’ll ask a local landscaping expert to help me out with this kind of installation.